Veronica Watson


About Veronica Watson

Veronica Watson is a founder member of Blue Room and has created work at Bluecoat since 2007. Watson has many years experience as a self-advocate, speaking out for the rights of learning disabled people. Watson has presented at large arts industry conferences across the UK advocating for greater acceptance and celebration of learning disabled artists.

Watson creates accurate observational drawings of the people and places around her.

Watson took part in the Studio Me pilot in 2018 culminating in an exhibition at Bluecoat under the same name. Watson presented the many and varied faces of the artists, staff and volunteers she encounters at the arts centre. Photography from this exhibition can be seen below.

"I am interested in doing people’s portraits. I want to catch the faces and expressions, happy or sad. I use pencil on paper and smudge the shadows. When I draw people I get to know them, even if I have never met them before."
Veronica Watson

Collaborations & Mentoring

Her work as an artist and self-advocate has led to creative collaborations with artists including Tanya Raabe-Webber, Layla Bacayo and Sarah McEwan. In September 2019, Watson was invited to take part in a summit of artists from supported studios across Europe at Project Ability in Glasgow.

Watson continues to take part in Blue Room’s artist development project Studio Me. Through this she is developing her drawing and painting skills along with facilitating sessions with other Blue Room artists.

‘I like to share my skills with others. I hope to inspire others and get them into art. Art has made me feel more confident. I reach out more to people, I’m more social.’ - Veronica

This photo was taken during Tanya's and Veronica's recent collaboration working on a project called the Express Project.

Recent Projects & Artworks

Watson is currently working towards self-publishing a book showcasing her portraits and professional achievements to date.

Awards, Commissions & Exhibitions

Recently Watson took part in Output’s postal exhibition Studio Me and You, exhibited at Cass Art and delivered a workshop at Imaginate; a fundraiser for Ron’s Place at Future Yard, Birkenhead.


Studio Me, Cass Art, Liverpool, October 2022

Studio Me and You, Output Gallery, Liverpool, September 2022

Yield, Griffith Regional Art Gallery, New South Wales, Australia September 2019

New Ways, PARTicipate Art Space, Shrewsbury, UK, April 2019

Studio Me, Bluecoat, Liverpool, UK, November - March 2018

Blue Room at Ten, Bluecoat, Liverpool, UK, December - March 2018

Awards and commissions

Studio Me Print Collection, Bluecoat, 2023

Artist Development Grant, DaDaFest, June 2019

Yield, Commission, CAD Factory, New South Wales, Australia, May 2019

Studio Me, Granada Foundation, August 2018