Colonial Legacies Young Event Coordinator, 2021-2022
Nia was a part of the Bluecoat's Colonial Legacies project.
Throughout 2021-2022 we worked with a group of young people aged 14-18 from the Greenhouse Project in L8, to explore the origins of the Bluecoat building in connection to transatlantic slavery.
The Young Event Coordinators co-curated an exhibition and an events programme in person and online, designed a hyperfiction building tour, and produced a ‘zine.
Selected exhibition item
World View “has pin drops of people’s ancestry as well as self-portraits and the words written on the map. I feel like it encapsulates my experience of the whole project in an artistic way.”

Best Moment
“I challenged myself to write my honest feelings on institutional racism and it took me out of my comfort zone in performing it. I could have never imagined doing something like this but due to the feedback and the atmosphere of the event, I am so glad I pushed myself to do it."
Future ambitions
“I would really like to go into the field of law. However my love of museums and art has led me to the discovery of a niche of law which is the legal part of museums. I would like to improve my public speaking skills as I know it is essential for any career path.”