Malcolm Lowry Blue Plaque 2019
The Bluecoat's Lowry Lounge had been running for ten years when the arts centre was approached by Conservation Areas Wirral to help realise the siting of a blue plaque in honour of the writer in his hometown of New Brighton. The Bluecoat, working with Wirral Lowry expert Colin Dilnot, identified a site on the promenade and Helen Tookey, another of the Lounge organising group known as The Firminists, proposed a caption that perfectly captured the writer's local origins and maritime obsessions: 'the smoke of freighters outward bound from Liverpool hung low on the horizon', a quote from his famous book Under the Volcano (published 1947). On a wet and windy Sunday in July, the plaque was unveiled by the Mayor of Wirral, followed by a reception organised by the Bluecoat.