Front cover of The Firminist
The bottled beer brewed specially for the Bluecoat's Lowry celebration in 2009 is featured on the cover of the first issue of The Firminist. Edited by Mark Goodall and I.Q. Hunter and published by University of Bradford in association with the Bluecoat, this occasional Malcolm Lowry journal was launched at the first Lowry Lounge in October 2010. Content comprised a report by Mark Goodall on the 2009 Lowry programme's Wirral walk, 'The Voyage That Never Ends'; Lowry in contemporary art; an essay by Helen Tookey, 'The Consul in the Pharmacy: Orphaned Writing, Alcohol, and the Pharmakon-Structure in Under the Volcano'; Alberto Rebollo on following in the footsteps of Lowry in Oaxaca; and Colin Dilnot discussing music in Lowry’s Ultramarine, 'Bollocky Bill and Seraphina'. There was a Lowry-themed prize crossword.