Captain Beefheart Weekend: Alan Dunn introducing 'Beafheart on the Beach' film
As part of Bluecoat's Captain Beefheart Weekend in November 2017, Alan Dunn introduced his 'Beefheart On The Beach' project, presenting a short film that featured a 'recreation' of the musician's celebrated 1968 performance on the beach at Cannes. Dunn worked with The Probes and Edgar Jones (music), Imogen Ettridge (costumes) and Tim Brunsden (video) to create and document a new performance, this time by the beach at New Brighton on the Wirral, of popular early Beefheart number 'Electricity'. The Weekend was curated by Kyle Percy and poet Chris McCabe, working with Bluecoat's Artistic Director Bryan Biggs. Photo: John Johnson.