Captain Beefheart at Bluecoat, a new collection

Date posted

23 December 2019

The influential American rock musician Captain Beefheart was also a visual artist and he had his first ever exhibition of paintings at Bluecoat in 1972. A new collection has been added to the My Bluecoat website featuring images from our archive relating to this show, as well as documentation of an event, Captain Beefheart Weekend, held at the arts centre and other Liverpool locations in 2017. This was organised with independent curator Kyle Percy working with poet Chris McCabe and Bluecoat, and comprised a symposium that considered Beefheart as 'total artist', one whose work embraced music, art, writing and performance. The programme also included music events, a walking tour of 'Beefheart's Liverpool', an archive display, participation project, and commissions of poetry and music.

Available here: